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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fruit And Vegetable Juice For Healthy Eyes

Carrot juice to cure eyes deseaseVitamin A is good for your eyes. Vitamin A protect retina cell for the function to see brightness and the dark. They also can cure eyes disease. To assist process of healing eye disease, can be overcome by consuming vegetable and fruit juice that are rich with vitamin A. In addition to vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopen, and lutein are also good for maintaining the eyes cell to remain healthy and function properly.

Consuming fruit and vegetables juice that rich with vitamin A, such as citrus, tomatoes, bananas, star fruit, avocado, grape, pomegranate, apple, pineapple, pear, litchi and vegetables such as spinach, beans, broccoli etc. will help to cure the eyes disease.

Carrot Juice Milk Shake Recipe

Ingredients :
- 200 grams carrots, cut into pieces
- 150 Milli liter low fat / nonfat milk
- 2 tbsp lemon juice lemon / nipis
- 1 tbsp honey
- 3 pieces of ice

How to make it?
Put carrot into juice extractor. Process, casting aside its gist. Decant carrot gist into tube blender. Mix / blended with milk, lemon and honey. Decant into glass. Serving immediately with ice.


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