Sometimes symbols, smiley and emoticon are useful to express your feelings, moods, or maybe you just want to show off those symbols to your friends on facebook chat or walls :) Actually it is easy to make heart, smiley, symbols or emoticon on facebook. Moreover symbols can be used on other media such as blogs, myspace, IM, online chat, even you can use them on offline media such as notepad, microsoft word, wordpad, powerpoint etc.
Okay, now I would like to share with you, how to make those cool symbols, emoticon or smiley on facebook. There are some methods to make them alive, let’s begin the tutorials :D
Make emoticons on Facebook Chat
There are two ways to create emoticons on facebook chat. The first option is you input manually the character combination in to your chat box. For example smile is a combination of :) or :-). For your reference, here are the complete lists of facebook emoticon codes.
Another method to input emoticon on facebook chat is by using Mozilla Firefox Add-On, so this trick is only work on Mozilla FireFox browser. Install the Add-On – Restart your browser – login to your facebook account – Open the facebook chat – now you can see lists of emoticons on chatbar, to input emoticon just click one of them and it will appears on your chat box.
Make Symbols on Facebook and other media (IM, blogs, MySpace, Notepad etc..)
To make symbols, such as heart symbol, music notes, copyright, trademark and etc on facebook or other media (blogs, IM, myspace, notepad...etc.) you can use your keyboard, by using the “Alt” key. Then how to do it? Okay just follow to these steps :
1. Make sure your num lock is on. For laptop users, you can activate the num lock by press and hold Fn and F11 (NumLk) key.
2. To make symbols, use a combination of “alt” key with numbers (not the horizontal numbers). Laptop users please take a look at M,J,K,L,U,I...keys, you’ll notice that M is 0, J is 1, K is 2, L is 3... and so on. For example, to make a heart symbol press and hold “Alt” key then press 3 (L), the result is ♥.
Other symbols :
ALT + 1 = ☺
ALT + 2 = ☻
ALT + 3 = ♥
ALT + 4 = ♦
ALT + 5 = ♣
ALT + 6 = ♠
ALT + 7 = •
ALT + 8 = ◘
ALT + 9 = ○
ALT + 14 = ♫ Musical Note
ALT + 15 = ☼ Sunshine Symbol
ALT + 0169 = © Copyright Symbol
and many more...
Okay that’s all, you are good to go. Now you can use symbols, smiley and emoticon on facebook, IM, myspace, blogs and other media to express your feelings with your friends. See ya :D
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